Thursday, October 1, 2009

I think I am a concrete learner, because I prefer the use of games , audio-visuals and pair work rather than other learning techniques. I think we all learn in a particular way, my way of learning is through, which I think is the best, fun and easy ways with the use of games they are not boring and they are fun . Audio visuals , because they help you visualize an image , experience sound with your senses , are also helpful . And las but not least: pair work , because you do not only depend on yourself , you have a partner who can help you with some particular things you do not understand or get , you can socialize and befriend your partner and make working less tedious and boring.


  1. Very well done. Grade 100. The only thing is that you misspelled last.

  2. I agree with you. What I've seen during these 10 years we've been together, is that you are a very interactive and creative student. You like activities, games, competitions, team work, rather than writing, reading, and all that kind of stuff. You really like others to help you and vice versa. Knowing to work in team is an excellent learning resource for all kind of work. In my opinion, that is a very good quality in any learner, and you've got it.
